Friday, October 2, 2009

Trouble shooting

At last we found a solution to our wireless issue today. For months my roommate had been trying to resolve this issue. Just because one of my friends spouse mentioned the word wireless, we shouldn't have troubled him so much. We never even thought he would give it a shot.

There were times when I and my roommate bounded us to a single posture to use the LAN connection for our internet as the wire was short enough to pull beyond a certain limit. And the biggest drawback of LAN Connection was, only one person was able to use the internet. My roommate tried all possible things to set the wireless connection right. She talked to the customer care for hours and hours and tried resetting the router several times, nothing worked. But today my friend’s spouse resolved the issue in just 30 minutes. First he checked if the wireless was accessible in unsecured mode, later he tried changing the router authentication using a hex password. He remapped the authentication in the router and matched the same in our comp wireless connection. And guess what, our wireless worked. We were all curious to know the root cause of the issue and why our wireless worked at office and not at home. He patiently explained all our questions. To explain our issue in simple terms, our router authentication protocol did not match our comp wireless authentication protocol; this mismatch prevented us from accessing the wireless internet. We got a great relief today after having resolved this issue unintentionally through our friend’s spouse.

And we were very grateful to have them for today's dinner.

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