Friday, June 4, 2010


First time when I heard this word in college I was thinking people were mispronouncing the word "dated" as "dating". During college days, my knowledge was zero in any adult related matters. Now, one can understand how I would have interpreted the meaning of the word "Dating" without referring any dictionary. It was the titillating topic given to two of our friends for a management subject discussion. In the conversation both of my friends projected many plus and minus points about copying the culture of dating in India. All the guys of my class giggled, rolled, blushed and showed all sort of reaction when the talk was given on Dating in front of the whole class. Whereas all missies remained taciturn and motionless. As usual during presentations my mind started to wander and pulled me to think deep inside. I kept questioning myself is "Dating" important and how it would fit in our culture etc. The talk started on Dating and eventually landed in many other funny things related to the after math of implementing Dating in India. I still remember most of the points stated by two of my friends who were assigned with this topic.

After being in U.S for more than two years, now I know the full pledged meaning of dating. And my perception of dating is now completely different from what I had when I was in India. I was inquiring about someone very keenly from my clients during our lunch time. I didn't have any thought of what details I was trying to ask from them. My only intention was to know if it was the same person whom I quite often meet in my toastmasters meeting. After I was done with my questions, my client asked me are you planning to date with him or something? For a second I couldn't control my laughter as I got reminded of my college jokes on "Dating". I quickly chewed in what I had in my mouth and replied her back saying no, I was just interested to know if it was the same person whom I meet on a weekly basis every Tuesday.

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