Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What as an Engg ?

As an engineer I chew over if I did something new to solve any of the existing conundrums in the world. There are scarity of basic facilities in our country.
When I think of Michael W. Pritchard the inventor of "LifeSaver" a portable bottle that converts filthy water drinkable, I feel dishonored.

More than considering engineering as a degree, professional course and biz , I believe one has to dream what changes one can bring in others life and stratum.
After four years of merit oriented studies, I only dreamt of getting placement in multinational company.
As an engineer I only wanted to eke out and never ever thought to emphasize my fellow beings difficulty.I have been an literal engineer who has only strived to operate ones life engine.
What can I do differently in this extremely agonistic world?
When 4.5 to 5 Lakh engineering graduates pass out every year in India , of which 70-80% step into outsourcing world.
Will software engineers be able to think out of their humdrum work?
High pay packet has totally supressed the creativity and the initial germination of innovation in the minds of the budding engineers.

The government and parents need to ensure that their children get quality education that would allow them to do simple but helpful things for their companionship.
In coming years, I will prove the purpose of being an electrical engineer.
More infos when I am done executing my action items.

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